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Home >> World-issues >> Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza

20.02.2007, 09:51 quote


BrightHelm wrote:
ChiefOHara wrote:
BrightHelm wrote:
pollyanna37 wrote:
BrightHelm wrote:
pollyanna37 wrote:

You see - you put it so much better than me! Very Happy

It is better to remain quiet and have everyone think you a fool than open your mouth and have them proved right.

How charming!

Welcome to forums - lets hope you are not staying long!


Good response, short, to the point, and adding a interesting dimension that obviously others in the discussion had failed to consider.

As usual, with the anti-Israel crowd when logic, justice and intelligence fails them, they resort to abuse and stupidity.

Re read the thread, the first person to resort to abuse and stupidity was yourself.

Indeed. I have a problem with idiotic cheerleaders.

Or did pol's comment 'Go read up on the subject from an unbiased perspective' hit a raw nerve ?? Advice maybe you should think about taking.


20.02.2007, 15:25 quote


F*ck me its war and peace!!


20.02.2007, 16:01 quote


It was Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister, 1977-1983


20.02.2007, 17:39 quote


ChiefOHara wrote:
I forgot the UN Observation post.

It was an Irish officer that called in those reports that the post was under attack (so Ireland media might have been told a little bit more than the rest of the world), and he called it in about 16 times. Israel targetted it 17 times and hit it the final time. ALL UN observation posts are clearly marked on every map. There is NO WAY they didn't know about it, and even if by some miracle they didn't they were told about it 16 times for christs sake. Even if there was a hezbollah camp in close proximity to it (im kinda suprised at hezbollah if thats the case) there is NO WAY that the post was smack bang in the middle of it.

Sorry Brighthelm but as far as im concerned that post was deliberatly targeted.

Really? Then why havn't the UN persued the matter.

Actually. Point 1. UN posts are NOT clearly marked 'on the map'. In fact I challenge you to find a map they are marked on.

Point 2. During the last Lebanese conflict the UN remained firmly in their bunkers in order to not see anything that might upset them. Hezbollah in contrast consisted mainly of highly mobile rocket units. Are you saying that you do not believe it is possible that one of these rocket units was firing from a point just outside, (and above) the UN unit?

Point 3. Although the UN have not exactly been fair an impartial observers in Lebanon, what exactly do you think the purpose of 'deliberately targeting' a UN observation post, containing observers from four nations, none of which are particulalry hostile to Israel?

Point 4. This is the real world. Sh*t happens.


20.02.2007, 17:47 quote


ChiefOHara wrote:
Tabletop wrote:
It was Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister, 1977-1983

Thanks. The guys on N&P were too busy tearing the heads off each other to actually attribute the quote properly.

Acutally this quote is attributed to Menachem Begin by Carter in his latest work of Anti-semitism but does not appear in any other context.

Had Mr. Begin be alive I'm sure he'd sue because frankly the quote is about as out of character as you can get.

So I would just like to congratulate you Mr. OHara, for turning this conversation from a discussion on the failings of Palestinian government into an Anti-semitic rant.


20.02.2007, 17:53 quote


ChiefOHara wrote:
Tabletop wrote:
It was Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister, 1977-1983

Thanks. The guys on N&P were too busy tearing the heads off each other to actually attribute the quote properly.

I refer you to a Palestinian web-site, where the quote would most certainly have appeared... if it was real...


20.02.2007, 18:22 quote


ChiefOHara wrote:
BrightHelm wrote:
ChiefOHara wrote:
Tabletop wrote:
It was Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister, 1977-1983

Thanks. The guys on N&P were too busy tearing the heads off each other to actually attribute the quote properly.

Acutally this quote is attributed to Menachem Begin by Carter in his latest work of Anti-semitism but does not appear in any other context.

Had Mr. Begin be alive I'm sure he'd sue because frankly the quote is about as out of character as you can get.

So I would just like to congratulate you Mr. OHara, for turning this conversation from a discussion on the failings of Palestinian government into an Anti-semitic rant.

If i wanted that, they why did i pose that it as a question?

Thats an old trick, trying to post me as anti-semitic so im too busy defending myself personally, to bother criticising Israel anymore.

Or to put it another way, why did you bring it up at all in a discussion on the Palestinian Ethnic cleansing of Gaza and their demands for the ethnic cleansing of the West bank.

It is a peice of anti-semitism written almost 30 years after his death.


20.02.2007, 18:29 quote


ChiefOHara wrote:
BrightHelm wrote:
ChiefOHara wrote:
I forgot the UN Observation post.

It was an Irish officer that called in those reports that the post was under attack (so Ireland media might have been told a little bit more than the rest of the world), and he called it in about 16 times. Israel targetted it 17 times and hit it the final time. ALL UN observation posts are clearly marked on every map. There is NO WAY they didn't know about it, and even if by some miracle they didn't they were told about it 16 times for christs sake. Even if there was a hezbollah camp in close proximity to it (im kinda suprised at hezbollah if thats the case) there is NO WAY that the post was smack bang in the middle of it.

Sorry Brighthelm but as far as im concerned that post was deliberatly targeted.

Really? Then why havn't the UN persued the matter.

Actually. Point 1. UN posts are NOT clearly marked 'on the map'. In fact I challenge you to find a map they are marked on.

Point 2. During the last Lebanese conflict the UN remained firmly in their bunkers in order to not see anything that might upset them. Hezbollah in contrast consisted mainly of highly mobile rocket units. Are you saying that you do not believe it is possible that one of these rocket units was firing from a point just outside, (and above) the UN unit?

Point 3. Although the UN have not exactly been fair an impartial observers in Lebanon, what exactly do you think the purpose of 'deliberately targeting' a UN observation post, containing observers from four nations, none of which are particulalry hostile to Israel?

Point 4. This is the real world. Sh*t happens.

Point 1, Yes they are

Point 2, yes i am saying that

Point 3, The UN can't observe things if they aren't there anymore.

Point 4, thats a very callous way of dismissing the fact that a UN observation post was targeted 17 times and blown up. Your ciritcising me for being indifferent to the plight of Israel when you yourself refuse to acknowledge the negative aspects about the IDF.

1. Prove it. Provide a link to an Israeli militarty map of southern lebanon which has the the post marked.

2. Why? What evidence do you have other than your own anti-Israeli bias?

3. Why would Israel want the UN not to observe? You really think they would prefer nobody but Hezbollah on the border?

4. I think you missed the point. I happly acknowledge the negative aspects of the IDF. They made a mistake, that's what happens in real life. I do not acknowledge the 'IDF is evil' viewpoint that says all mistakes are premeditated acts subtly designed to advance Israel's nefarous ends. As you imply with your statement.


20.02.2007, 20:01 quote


ChiefOHara wrote:

Like i said on the other post to brighthelm, i think Israel had another agenda.

That is because you are a racist. Who accuses jews of hidden agenda and ignores the stated agendas of the Arabs.

ChiefOHara wrote:

If anything Israels balls up in Lebannon only strengthend Hezbollah and weakend the neutral lebanesse government.

That is complete garbage and propganda, written by a man who states his anti-semitism openly.

The Lebanese government have a force 15,000 troops at it's disposal that it did not have before. It has also flexed this muscle a couple of times recently capturing HEzbollah weapons.

ChiefOHara wrote:

They only had one or two ministers in the government from hezbollah prior to the invasion. Im pretty certain that sympathies for hezbollah in lebbanon have been strenghtend because of it.

Despite Mr. OHara's ignorance, the government in Lebanon is exactly the same now as it was before the war. Hezbollah have exactly the same number of government posts. And that does not look likely to change.

His suggestion that Hezbollah support is strengthened is not supported by any opinion poll. The dividing lines between Hezbollah support and opposition being exaclty what they where before the conflict.

ChiefOHara wrote:

To be honest i don't want to get into the right of Israeli's to their land. I have read so many dubious accounts from both sides in terms of popultations and maps, that its impossible to have a solid argument on it without questionable ideology creeping in. As far as im concerned Israel is there and its staying there, all i want is for them to conduct themselves better.

And here we get to the meet. Jews must behave themselves, Arab's can commit any atrocitiy, any ethnic cleansing, they like. This man is a racist pig.


20.02.2007, 20:10 quote


Wait, wait you have forgotten Godwin's Law!
"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."


20.02.2007, 20:15 quote


this thread is locked upon request. and i will not have accusations of users being racist. anymore and it will be an instant banning brighthelm If you have a problem i sugest you pm me.

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