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02.12.2006, 22:27 quote


KEVIN53846 wrote:
pollyanna37 wrote:
KEVIN53846 wrote:
pollyanna37 wrote:
if he is being a shit saying hurtful things and you are getting your rocks off elsewhere and you both are posting on forums asking for advice, I think you both know what the answer is!!!

GET RID!...Then go

Bingo Kev!

why would you want to go to bingo?

actually, i did a spoonerism...i meant bowling...lmao

I cannot work out whther I am still pissed or you are just trying to confuse me Kev?????


21.01.2007, 02:46 quote


I don't think you are a horrible person and, since you both love each other, there is hope for your relationship. You need to explain to your boyfriend that (1) him saying that he didn't find you attractive left you feeling insecure and emotionally fragile. Does he realise that?? Does he know how damaging his words and care-less attitude were to you and your relationship??. Does he know that you struggle sometimes with self esteem?? He needs to know. This mess all started at that point. (2) You are not a cheat at heart. You behaved out of character -- you were upset, drunk and someone came along and gave you a lot of attention and compliments you craved. Cheats don't "do the deed" and then immediately tell their boyfriends/partners what they've done. Give yourself some credit!! Doesn't he see how devastated you are?
My advice is to talk to each other, DON'T leave things unsaid or let misunderstandings carry on. I know you want this relationship to work. If he loves you, he needs to explain to you why he said he didn't find you attractive. Maybe he said that in a stupid moment. You need to really understand him and he needs to understand you more. He's probably feeling foolish and confused himself right now. Both of you need to apologise. He's not perfect and he needs to see his faults too. You need to get over your guilt. And forget this 3-in-a-bed idea -- that's not going to clear the air. Talk and talk, and then if you still haven't "found" each other again, let it go. BUT, have a positive outlook on this. Remember, he hasn't ended the relationship -- there's something about you he must like!!!
Good luck!


21.01.2007, 11:04 quote


Nurofen are just anti inflammatories anyway. So lucky for you that they are well tolerated by the body and overdose is rare. But I bet you had a massive belly ache. Dont do it again!!!


25.02.2007, 18:04 quote


you should never have told him about the blow job, god i cant even type blow job without going weak at the knees!

blondeygirl69 wrote:

sorry in advance for lenghty thread....

a good while back, my boyfriend of a few years told me he didn't find me attractive any more. although it hurt, ididn't break up with him, because i love him way too much.

About a week after thst, i kissed another guy. it lasted about 10seconds, i pushed him off and told him i have a boyfriend. i straight away told my fella bacuse i felt so bad. he was totally cool with it, said how happy he was that someone could make me feel pretty and stuff. i spent the next few days apologising, and crying, and stuff.he wasn't even upset...

so that was ok and whatever.

8 days later, what do i do?? i cheat again. was at house party, more drunk than ever ever been. (not usung as an excuse)

this fella spent the night talking to me. telling me i was gorgeous. i loved all the complements, so i stayed talking all night. had NO intention of cheasting. anyway - i found myself being lead into a bathroom and i blew him.

this is totally out of character for me. im in no way a slut. my boyfriend was first for everything. so it really shocking i'd let myself even get into the situation.

i told him straight away. (by text because i wouldn of seen him that way, and i had to tell him)

thinngs were bad, goes without saying. we ended up being on a break, then broke up for a week. got back toghether.

now, in person, everything is perfect. over text and whatevr, it really killing him. we could have an amazing day, and then its ruined. now, things getting worse and we are really close to breaking up again.

he had thought him doing similar with another girl may help. he had/has my full support to do whatever he thinks will help us. had chance last week, but couldn do it. i suggested threesome with another female. he thinks could work, just it very unlikely.

im looking for advive. i want to prove how deeply sorry i am, but i dunno how. any suggestions???
the week without him was unbearable. did stupid things too - took 13 neurofen. did nothing but made me very sick. he is my world. i really dont get how i could do this to him


27.02.2007, 19:42 quote


You sound very young, and no offence, but stop clasping at what seems like nothing. If you keep doing it, it will just bring you down and down, until you have no self confidence, or esteem.

One person isn't the be all and end all of a situation, and if i am brutally honest you seem to be refusing to accept that the relationship is over, almost bunny boiler esq.

Get rid of your emotional baggage and get out and enjoy life, it is the only way you will get your life back on track and be able to do what you want.

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