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Home >> Stories >> broke up from a one year relationship.....

03.06.2006, 19:36 quote


sorry to hear bout your story.
thats bad the way her parents treated the both of you, before & after you broke up.


25.07.2006, 10:46 quote


Well it seems like she felt very insecure to have wanted u by her side 24/7. which would probably be so from what you have said about her upbrining. However I think you had your part to play in this, she wasnt your owner and when you say 'let out' I feel sadened and angry that people think they can own and rule another persons life and that people let themselves be owned in that way. Because you had always done this, she may have felt really threatened by the fact that you suddenly wouldnt play her game.
I actually feel there is still something there, sounds like you both had a fairly big impact on each others lives. Are you still in contact with each other? i wonder if she has read what you have posted.
I also feel I should appologise to her for talking about her as I dont even know her and only got your side of the story.
Good luck and hope you find what your looking for in this situation. Yar good

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