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16.04.2011, 14:13 quote


Hi coldfrothymilkshake easy solution just jack it all in and come travelling with me lol.....

Its hard when you feel you can give so much more and not be recognised as being able to do so,If you work in an office environment or somewhere where you have lots of colleagues theres ALWAYS going to be an arse who seems to go out of their way to make you feel small.I dont know your personal circumstances but it might be better to move on to somewhere else & if thats not an option then you have to decide to either attack or defend,You either speak up and let your feelings be known to all concerned or you sit back and just take the knocks and hope that the situation improves....!
The work situation can be difficult especially if you are the type of person who regularly has bad days and sometimes it can feel like the whole world is caving in on you but as you well know it DOES get better.( then worse,then better,then worse then better AAargh! )...
Have you ever thought about working for yourself ?
Sometimes the money can be garbage and sometimes it can be great but the feeling of not really having to answer to anyone else is great and you can take loads of days off...yeay!
You also need to STOP worrying what work colleagues think of you, because at the end of the day they DONT really figure in your other wise perfect life....

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